Okay, so I wasn't going to explain, talk, winge and point out all my mistakes. But really. Look at the wrinkles in the paper. Look at the samples (the one fell off right before my presentation). Look at my lack of a furniture board. Look at the rush job of rendering. Look at the crooked mounted titles. I would have loved to have had time to make this all presentable. Instead I ran out of time, slapped it on boards the night before, practiced lots at presenting my concept with confidence and explaining things to the utmost in my alotted 10 minutes (short!). And was told at the end of my presentation that I presented it really well. I could've done a lot worse based on my work, and I totally think they gave me the mark I deserve. Unfortunetly it means I have to do it again if I want to get into 2nd year. We'll see...
post edit: sorry all the images are too big. I'd fix it but you're not missing much. the other maker gave me a 58/100.
You did such good work - too bad the furniture board didn't get done, you might've passed!! Wow, this must be so disappointing after all that work!! But you learned a lot, right - I think you should do it again, definitely! Don't give up yet.
That's not a pass? What mark did you need? Everything I saw looked awesome!
50% is a pass (I get my certificate for 1st year) but I need 65% to go forward to 2nd year. . .
I REALLY like that metal being that desk I think thats my most favourite...lucky I wanted to become an interior designer but I don't think i would now, becuase I would rather only do the decorating anyways not sure if everyone would like my ideas, but that's aweseom what you did!!!! really like it.
Thank you Shelby!
I am trying to decide what exactly I want to do with it now, too. There are a lot of options of directions to take it and right now I am like.... ugh... I don't know!
oh that sucks! I love everything here Ayla, the textures are just divine. Very well put together...
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