1. Go to a farmer's market on a Saturday morning
2. Organize, sort through, throw out, etc. all my school projects, notes and junk!
3. Write letters to people I owe letters to!
4. Make a big batch of home made bread
5. Fix my blog so it's more welcoming and interesting - new header
6. Host a nice dinner party with nice food
7. Give 1 great, thoughtful gift to each person on my Christmas list (family and close friends)
8. Make my inspiration board an actual inspiration to me; collect the things that inspire me better
9. Make a mix CD of all the songs that remind the boy and I of each other. In a good way. :D
10. Get weight down to 130 (this means keeping up the early am workouts)
11. Make a painting to give as a gift ( # 7 maybe?)
12. Make a Photobook that includes pictures and old quotes/texts from the boy that I love (these are all written down in a notebook right now and I've been wanting to do this for him for ages) this also means: get a credit card! - Nov 18th makes it 3 months of working here so I can safely apply!
13. figure out a perrfect layout for my room (this may mean purging some things)
14. Watch the rest of Audrey Hepburn's films
15. Find or make a rubber stamp that I love - for stationary, 'business card' and anything else I want to brand! Something custom/original would be best so I might have to learn to make one.
16. Learn to knit!
17. Start collection of neat old dishes; I've got the 1st one
18. Tell the boy the story of my life. Start to finish. No details missed. Everything I can remember. And ask the same of him (that will take a while longer though!).
19. Buy bright flowers on a gloomy day
20. Learn to take better photos. Get my hands on my old 35mm maybe? Because my digital is seriously lacking functionality these days.
I have until January 17th! Thank goodness I'm not turning 60.
Updating this - orange means done! Well I got the easy ones covered...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Just do it, Whatever it is
How do I get motivated to start a presentation on Rococo Design? I've got 1 week and 1 day 'til presentation time and I feel like I haven't even gotten deep enough into research yet.
If I can just pick out the most important parts and start writing slides in a slide-show presentation, add pictures and I could add in the particulars when I have them... research this week begins after work when I pick up the 5 books at the library I had on order! yihoo!
Its moments like this than I am inspired by Ben Lee's lyrics:
But do it
Whatever it is
Whatever it is
Just do it
Whatever it is
Whatever it is
Go do it
Whatever it is
Whatever it is
Just do it
Whatever it is
Whatever it is
If I can just pick out the most important parts and start writing slides in a slide-show presentation, add pictures and I could add in the particulars when I have them... research this week begins after work when I pick up the 5 books at the library I had on order! yihoo!
Its moments like this than I am inspired by Ben Lee's lyrics:
But do it
Whatever it is
Whatever it is
Just do it
Whatever it is
Whatever it is
Go do it
Whatever it is
Whatever it is
Just do it
Whatever it is
Whatever it is
Filed In:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wedding Inspiration??

This pretty well sums up my dreams, thoughts and lovely things going through my head lately! As far as a dream wedding, I could never make up my mind on a colour - but materials, that I can do! See these things would look great with pink, green, blue, grey, white, yellow and orange of course....
Making mosaics is going to be my guilty pleasure I think. Things look so much better together in organized co-existance.

Good night blog!
Filed In:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
All that goes with Thanksgiving weekend....
Dear Colour & Lighting teacher,
This would save you a lot of marking time:
my score: 8 (eyes said ouch)
So it seems I've had an inspiring weekend, one in which I, once again, realise the changes I need to make, the things I need to treasure and the to-do list that is still wanting attention.
Things I did this weekend:
1. sulked with ice cream (Haagen-Dazs' new half the fat vanilla - not even half bad!) and pie and a movie (The Talented Mr.Ripley - so enjoyed it) all alone in the big dark house!
2. slept in
3. intended to clean my room
4. went to boy's house; chilled/cuddled/watched 2 1/2 men/napped/cooked supper (which was pretty good italian style sausage&chicken&peppers concoction with mashed potatoes and NY style crumble cake for dessert) oh and then made him get me an americano while I cleaned up. Then we watched about Schmidt.. well almost. We failed at that because it was boring and watched 'The Man who Knew Too Little' which was quite awesom. Then went home (too late for a Saturday night but I was giddy on coffee!).
5. meeting Sunday morning @ the Wood's was great. We had lots of extras so it was really special; afterward the elder's wife said hi to Susie and I and added that 'you girls add a lot to our meeting and I really appreciate it, I don't tell you enough.' It was very cute and definetly made my week. :) Its good to hear some simple encouraging words that even if I sometimes feel blah, someone is noticing something they like.
6. Lunch - plan was to go to boy's and then drive down to Bellingham to shop/hang out for the day. But the past-criminal-horrid-bad-boy (I exagerate - a lot) wasn't able to cross the line
this time which just means he actually needs to do the paperwork for a pardon he's been talking about for a while now.
7..... 1.5 hrs in line up at border and 2 hrs waiting at immigration...then drove back to Langley
8. Starving boy and starving me get to Coza for supper (staarving by this time) which was LOVELy. Had salmon with lemon and olives and such on it. Yummmm
9. Starbucks to take home to watch more movies :P.... why do we watch so many ?!
10. Time to stay home and FINALLY get the room cleaned and some laundry done. Its a good thing I have so many clothes cause that was a LOT of laundry. Still going at it actually. And my room is moderately clean; more organization needed though.
11. Thanksgiving dinner at Calverley's - Sonya and Andrew were wedding planning with Lynda all day so got to look at lots of books and magazines before/after dinner. Turkey was GREAT!
Now, at work, doing nothing all day but loving it. :P
I need to do more research on Rococo style ...
But instead, I played this fun game:
First, you answer these twelve questions. My answers are in parentheses.
01. What is your first name? (Ayla)
02. What is your favorite food? (Gelato)
03. What high school did you attend? (Bowness High School)
04. What is your favorite color? (tangerine)
05. Who is your celebrity crush? (matthew mcconaughey )
06. Favorite drink? (Café Americano)
07. Dream vacation? (Tuscany)
08. Favorite dessert? (Angel Food cake)
09. What do you want to be when you grow up? (Mommy)
10. What do you love most in life? (Love)
11. One word to describe you (Grinning)
12. Your Flickr name (Nothing)
Then you build a mosaic by typing your answers into Flickr's search function. You choose one photo for each of your answers, and you can only use images that appear on the first page of search results. Get the details here.
Here's what I ended up with:
I think its pretty. But you'd never guess which is which! Well... a few are obvious.
Anyways, I feel it is high time to start planning for Halloween.
I think it would be fun to have a proper dinner party for Halloween. With good food, not themed and gross looking. And a haunted cake. We'll see how it goes; it would be a lot of work but it would also be a lot of fun. Some of my friends also want to go trick-or-treating (like Susie cause she's never had the privilege!) which is cool, and we also want to carve pumpkins.
I know what I'm being for Halloween, I just haven't quite put it all together yet. And I still need to convince the boy to come.
And about him; he's so so so good to me in so many ways - just not in the ways that are obvious to other people. I joke about how his greatest compliments are something like 'nice tights! Did you have to crank them open with a steal rod to slip into them?' (that was last night and I'm pretty sure that's not how it went exactly but it resulted from the long Sunday in WAY too tight of tights [note to self: no more HUE tights] during that long wait with no food and then stuffing myself to full over-contentment and complaining, stripping them off as soon as entering the house) and all kinds of nice comments; there are too many to even start thinking of the best ones. But anyways, despite his rough exterior, or... abrupt nature...er.... blatant honesty etc., he has done amazing things for me. I should tell him that more. He makes me to think more, care more, share more, do more and be more. And I want to care, share, do and be even MORE because of him. It's probably not as easily explained as felt. Its just that I see this wondering lifetime available to me; the places we would go the things we'd see and family we'd make. It really puts a light in my eye.... or... makes me want to move forward. Maybe that is dangerous- I think it's very nice and very important to be content in the moment too.
It's exciting to move forward in life though and at this point it feels very necessary. I'm not even really enjoying school anymore and working with architects is...enlightening but not really what I had in mind as a designer. I don't want to have to work for firm and be all corporate and officey. I enjoy artsy fartsy. But then again, the Boy's a builder and if the company gets to a certain point I can just design home interiors which is ultimately what I'd enjoy best I think.
I'll let this do for now. Blog time is over.
How does one end a blog? I feel the need for a cute quotation or a little poem...
"One should always be in love. This is the reason one should never marry." (Oscar Wilde)
This would save you a lot of marking time:
my score: 8 (eyes said ouch)
So it seems I've had an inspiring weekend, one in which I, once again, realise the changes I need to make, the things I need to treasure and the to-do list that is still wanting attention.
Things I did this weekend:
1. sulked with ice cream (Haagen-Dazs' new half the fat vanilla - not even half bad!) and pie and a movie (The Talented Mr.Ripley - so enjoyed it) all alone in the big dark house!
2. slept in
3. intended to clean my room
4. went to boy's house; chilled/cuddled/watched 2 1/2 men/napped/cooked supper (which was pretty good italian style sausage&chicken&peppers concoction with mashed potatoes and NY style crumble cake for dessert) oh and then made him get me an americano while I cleaned up. Then we watched about Schmidt.. well almost. We failed at that because it was boring and watched 'The Man who Knew Too Little' which was quite awesom. Then went home (too late for a Saturday night but I was giddy on coffee!).
5. meeting Sunday morning @ the Wood's was great. We had lots of extras so it was really special; afterward the elder's wife said hi to Susie and I and added that 'you girls add a lot to our meeting and I really appreciate it, I don't tell you enough.' It was very cute and definetly made my week. :) Its good to hear some simple encouraging words that even if I sometimes feel blah, someone is noticing something they like.
6. Lunch - plan was to go to boy's and then drive down to Bellingham to shop/hang out for the day. But the past-criminal-horrid-bad-boy (I exagerate - a lot) wasn't able to cross the line
this time which just means he actually needs to do the paperwork for a pardon he's been talking about for a while now.
7..... 1.5 hrs in line up at border and 2 hrs waiting at immigration...then drove back to Langley
8. Starving boy and starving me get to Coza for supper (staarving by this time) which was LOVELy. Had salmon with lemon and olives and such on it. Yummmm
9. Starbucks to take home to watch more movies :P.... why do we watch so many ?!
10. Time to stay home and FINALLY get the room cleaned and some laundry done. Its a good thing I have so many clothes cause that was a LOT of laundry. Still going at it actually. And my room is moderately clean; more organization needed though.
11. Thanksgiving dinner at Calverley's - Sonya and Andrew were wedding planning with Lynda all day so got to look at lots of books and magazines before/after dinner. Turkey was GREAT!
Now, at work, doing nothing all day but loving it. :P
I need to do more research on Rococo style ...
But instead, I played this fun game:
First, you answer these twelve questions. My answers are in parentheses.
01. What is your first name? (Ayla)
02. What is your favorite food? (Gelato)
03. What high school did you attend? (Bowness High School)
04. What is your favorite color? (tangerine)
05. Who is your celebrity crush? (matthew mcconaughey )
06. Favorite drink? (Café Americano)
07. Dream vacation? (Tuscany)
08. Favorite dessert? (Angel Food cake)
09. What do you want to be when you grow up? (Mommy)
10. What do you love most in life? (Love)
11. One word to describe you (Grinning)
12. Your Flickr name (Nothing)
Then you build a mosaic by typing your answers into Flickr's search function. You choose one photo for each of your answers, and you can only use images that appear on the first page of search results. Get the details here.
Here's what I ended up with:

Anyways, I feel it is high time to start planning for Halloween.
I think it would be fun to have a proper dinner party for Halloween. With good food, not themed and gross looking. And a haunted cake. We'll see how it goes; it would be a lot of work but it would also be a lot of fun. Some of my friends also want to go trick-or-treating (like Susie cause she's never had the privilege!) which is cool, and we also want to carve pumpkins.
I know what I'm being for Halloween, I just haven't quite put it all together yet. And I still need to convince the boy to come.
And about him; he's so so so good to me in so many ways - just not in the ways that are obvious to other people. I joke about how his greatest compliments are something like 'nice tights! Did you have to crank them open with a steal rod to slip into them?' (that was last night and I'm pretty sure that's not how it went exactly but it resulted from the long Sunday in WAY too tight of tights [note to self: no more HUE tights] during that long wait with no food and then stuffing myself to full over-contentment and complaining, stripping them off as soon as entering the house) and all kinds of nice comments; there are too many to even start thinking of the best ones. But anyways, despite his rough exterior, or... abrupt nature...er.... blatant honesty etc., he has done amazing things for me. I should tell him that more. He makes me to think more, care more, share more, do more and be more. And I want to care, share, do and be even MORE because of him. It's probably not as easily explained as felt. Its just that I see this wondering lifetime available to me; the places we would go the things we'd see and family we'd make. It really puts a light in my eye.... or... makes me want to move forward. Maybe that is dangerous- I think it's very nice and very important to be content in the moment too.
It's exciting to move forward in life though and at this point it feels very necessary. I'm not even really enjoying school anymore and working with architects is...enlightening but not really what I had in mind as a designer. I don't want to have to work for firm and be all corporate and officey. I enjoy artsy fartsy. But then again, the Boy's a builder and if the company gets to a certain point I can just design home interiors which is ultimately what I'd enjoy best I think.
I'll let this do for now. Blog time is over.
How does one end a blog? I feel the need for a cute quotation or a little poem...
"One should always be in love. This is the reason one should never marry." (Oscar Wilde)
Friday, October 3, 2008
...let's talk about the weather
So it's been a while since my last post. It's now really 'winter'. I think it was yesterday or the day before when people just started to say 'yep this is it.. no more summer'. We've been lucky to have sun up until this week though! But I am, again, feeling the lack of energy and uselessness I experienced at this time last year in Vancouver. Its bad. Because I have a lot to be doing - I was so busy at work all week I didn't get time to do any homework really and I have an assignment due on Tuesday. So I really have to put my nails to the grindstone tomorrow. And hopefully tonight too. Its so hard to feel inspired or ambitious but it's got to be done! Anyways, seasons changing is always kind of exciting too. Starting to see leaves go shades of red and feel the cool breeze is a somewhat welcome change - hello scarves, mits and hats!
Nothing more to report really. Looking forward to next weekend because it's a long weekend that includes Turkey! I thought of going home for it, but its just such a long drive it would only give us 1 day there and that would be spent recovering from the drive... and eating and sleeping... I just think I would probably come back less rested than when I left. And I'm not willing to take any time off work, so it will have to wait until later - maybe when I'm done school, in December. Then I'd also have time to spend time with Laura and we could try on dresses and that as well. Need More Time!
Oh well, I have most of December off of school so I can catch up on 'stuff' then.
Lets just get through the torture of the weather, the business and the tiresome days of October and November first!
Happy 49th Birthday to my amazing Mom today too!
Nothing more to report really. Looking forward to next weekend because it's a long weekend that includes Turkey! I thought of going home for it, but its just such a long drive it would only give us 1 day there and that would be spent recovering from the drive... and eating and sleeping... I just think I would probably come back less rested than when I left. And I'm not willing to take any time off work, so it will have to wait until later - maybe when I'm done school, in December. Then I'd also have time to spend time with Laura and we could try on dresses and that as well. Need More Time!
Oh well, I have most of December off of school so I can catch up on 'stuff' then.
Lets just get through the torture of the weather, the business and the tiresome days of October and November first!
Happy 49th Birthday to my amazing Mom today too!
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