I am home (Calgary home) and it is lovely. I've thoroughly enjoyed my busy weekend.
Bridal Shower?
Engagement photo shoot (4 sessions and 8 locations)?
Bolero/dress fitting?
Check. . .
Eat 4 and a half Crave cupcakes in 1 day? Ok ok, well 2 were mini cupcakes.... but...
Check. Check. Check. Check Che.
Buy 2nd bridesmaid dress that I love?
Have Sunday lunch (crepes - yum) with amazing best friend and fiance?
Yoga class with that same friend? ... Unfortunetly, no, didn't have time :(
Really I just wanted to share some of the better engagement photos I took Saturday for my cousin Tara and her fiance Wade. I was so excited they asked me to do this for them... I think it is only because my camera looks fancy and therefore it must work fancy or I know how to work it... but who cares what they don't know! I had fun! It took all day, but I got a few I'm happy with. Here are some of those few.

I liked this (above) better in black and white but I can't change it on this computer.

Just love the sky in this one...

I am pretty happy with how they came out... out of about 400 shots I think around 20 are useable/possible "official" engagement portraits for them to send in their invitations. Woohoo they should be glad I don't charge by the hour! Or at all!
I should explain that these too are not really the kissy/cuddly type and the pictures were a bit of a stretch to get... Those kisses didn't just happen ;)
ok ok sometimes they kissed without me telling them to... but I usually missed those ones anyways. But it was awesome, Wade was a real trouper and it was a VERY long day but it was fun (I think) for all of us. O.k., maybe just for me.
I must say there is a nice selection to use as a slideshow at the wedding, too - a whole slideshow of funnys, like, say.... ooh this one: 
Tara fell down. That wasn't the only time either. Its funny, I know. But usually it was Wade being a dork that made the funny ones. :P I won't take the time to share here...ok maybe one. I can't resist.

Tara fell down. That wasn't the only time either. Its funny, I know. But usually it was Wade being a dork that made the funny ones. :P I won't take the time to share here...ok maybe one. I can't resist.

Anyways, I am really happy that these 2 are getting married. I found it very enjoyable to spend the day with them and watch them interact, they are the strange type of cute that I can completely and utterly tolerate. And, because I know you're about to ask, Tara, I totally approve! They'll be great together and happy for a very long time I am sure. Oh and today they set the date: June 25th 2009. Exactly 3 months after he asked her - and that was his specified maximum waiting time limit! 3 Months! It will be a small, cozy, mountain wedding in Canmore at a bed and breakfast. 2 nights staying over for all of us and all meals supplied there; I am sure it will be a wedding to remember!
Love you guys!
P.S. Cant wait to sleep in tomorrow!!!!
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