And a spurt-exerciser. But I am not a spurt water-drinker. I'm good at consistency with that.
I was just thinking of how much I love the sun when it's cold outside. And I love that whenever I look to the North... I see mountains and they are positively glimmering right now. I love that the boy I love can ALWAYS always set me straight even when my brain gets away from me entirely. I love the way my days get filled up with reading blogs and feeling inspired by other people (imaginary internet people!). I love thinking about what I'll someday do and trying to figure it all out. I love projects like dying clothes and seeing how they turn out.
Other things I'd LOVE to have done before this time next week:
- 2 little tu-tus made for boy's nieces
- a simple calendar design made (drafted and painted and then photo-copied to gift perhaps?)
- Mom's 3 paintings done that will hopefully make her cry - in the blurry distance will be me, her, moxie and lucy walking - used to be a sometimes dreaded task but of course now I miss it like the dickens.
- A painting for the boy of what he wants for christmas. A Gramaphone/phonograph. I'll get him a record player with the painting to hang above it which adds on the horn. :P
- notebooks with sayings on outside... and a doodle or 2.... x 20 or so
- IF I have time I'd like to do a painting (small) for Brother and something for Dad too
- .... I'm sure there is plenty more
Feels like I've got all these creative juices, but instead of flowing they are becoming murky pools that nobody would ever want to step foot in... if perhaps it was like a swimming pool situation.
Anyways I might do a post after lunch of some recent inspiration I don't want to forget.