Monday, March 21, 2011

Fresh is Best

This was my favorite thing I saw when first arriving in Palm Springs. Crispy fresh blue sky.

just another butterfly-style house taken drive-by-shooting style. Still lookin' fresh 50-some-odd years later.

The boys cooked one night. We had HUGE steaks and asparagus and potatoes. All Delicious. Mind you, that's Sarah, not a boy,  in the fluorescent jacket (thrift store find!), but she never really left the kitchen : P

We peeked into a lot of houses this way... At least these guys had the decency to have built-in step stools for us!

FRESH Grapefruit. Best thing in the world right there. Yes, we jumped at every tree we could and stuffed them in our purses.

The Kaufman house, designed by Richard Neutra in the 1940s. It is phenomenal. (and FRESH!)  If only we could have gone in...

Best ever fresh salsa! Hilary aces it!

More fresh lookin' architecture... haha like my theme yet?

The freshest Grapefruits ever .... an inside view... glorious!

More beautiful old and fresh architecture. Hurrah!


Susie Q said...

the architechture here is amazing, I also love your polaroid style you have a program for that?

Ayla said...

Thanks Susie! I reaaaaally wanna take you to Palm Springs, you'd be the perfect type to soak it up with me :)
For the photos I use and just use the 1960s effect. I use that one a lot, it rounds the corners for me and everything :)