Saturday, February 27, 2010

Inside my Purse

I've looked at lots of people's versions of this and enjoyed. So what the heck, why not?
I think this is a sign I need to simplify a little.

1. little bag that holds tide to go, perfume, hair elastics, tissues, feminine stuff, nail file etc., 2. sun glasses, 3. headset for phone talking in car, which is never in my purse when I actually need it, 4. purse hanger, 5. bunch of stuff to mail to Susie - just put that in there yesterday!, 6.  Pen Again, 7. 1 chuppachup, 1 eaten chuppachup (oops), 8. change purse, 9. Shell Receipt for gas, 10. bobby pins and hair elastics, 11. daytime cold relief tablets that worked their magic the other week, 12. nice little map of vancouver that was handed out downtown openning ceremonies day, 13. Value Village receipt, 14. Used transit tickets, 15. Notebook from Korea that feels like a passport :) love it, thanks Sin Hye,16. Gum, 17. Paperwork to be filled out for healthcare benefits at work, 18. burts bees lip balm, 19. chapstick cherry lipbalm, 20. paper clip, 21. hair clippy, 22. Aveeno Intense Relief Therapy Lip Balm (BUY IT!), 23. pen, 24. Reese Peanut Butter cup wrapper. woops, how did that get in there?!, 25. Thing that smells like my mom because it has Sunflower perfume sprayed on it :) , 26. address written on post-it for last etsy thing I mailed out, 27. receipt - Salvation Army, 28. Shoppers Drug Mart receipt for trail mix and juice, 29. a work schedule written down from a few weeks back, 30. reusable shopping bag, 31. Burts Bees hand cream. Smells like icky play dough. So do not like. But I like the little container. (fyi I don't like their lip balm either, why am I the only one?), 32. vintage pouch that holds cards I rarely need to get out, 33. wallet, 34. bandaid wrapper

Congratulations if you got through that list! If you did, you should get a prize! Like some used transit tickets or something!

Care to share yours? I would love to see!
Next up: a list of other fun things to do other than what you really should do :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sunny Saturday Stroll

Last Saturday, February 20th, 2010, Langley, British Columbia

I <3 the shadow of me and my boy amongst swampy duck water. : )
The heat of the sun, the sounds of the splashing ducks, the sights of Spring's signs, and the scent of fresh air. . . aaaah I will revisit this day in my brain for a while.... :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

to-do list

This week's to-do list:

1. sign up for march/april class
2. job in Langley (wednesday)
3. name approval request for R
4. post more etsy items
5. finish logo
6. finish portfolio and submit to school
7. at least 3 work outs
8. a day downtown/olympics
9. craft project (gift)
10. clean up R's place
11. start brainstorming concepts for directed studies and collecting materials!

I feel a little like I've got a lot to think about and do in the next couple of weeks. . . but it's all good, it's all stuff I love (other than working out) and it will all mean I'm better off in the end!

In other news, yesterday I found the duvet cover I've always loved from Ikea at Value Village!!! It looks like this:

And even though it is not the softest (it is still Ikea) it looks so fun and crisp with the perfect shade of orange with white, it just brightens up the room and makes me smile! And it's clean. Am I weird because I am not bothered by the idea of buying bedding used? Yeah, I thought so. But I only paid $8.

[ i just wanted a place to put that to-do list so that it would get done, thanks for bearing with me! ]

Friday, February 19, 2010

Vancouver Olympics

I have never seen cloud and fog look so pretty before! But really, this is a beautiful city. It is nothing like I imagined it would be when I moved here. I would not have guessed it to be this relaxed, this cultural, this artistic or this "outdoorsy".

I have yet to go down town and really experience the olympic action, other than seeing the torch go by on the day of the openning ceremonies. But I will, and I will take photos! But even at work the buzz and Canadian pride of everyone coming and going can be felt. It's pretty cool...

One of my items...

 was included in a treasury on etsy :D

That should get a few views, right?

I keep on making things for gifts and not for etsy. It's easier though, y'know, to know what people want and would like? It is hard to know what everyone else would like. But I try to stick to what I like so at least it has a direction to go in.
Yesterday I actually made something for myself. Craziness.

So if it were your birthday tomorrow, what would you want?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Letter From a Genuine "Check-Out-Chick"

Dear people hurriedly lining up at express:
I'm standing over here at lane number 4 with no one in line, yet again!

Dear guy with really stinky reusable shopping bag:
I love that you're not using plastic, but did you know you can wash these things? Try that next time. Thanks.

Dear lady struggling to get coins out for 5 minutes:
Please invest in a change purse that opens wider. I think I might start handing those out for the needy at my till. It would really be a gift to us all.

Dear manager:
Can we please check the 50's and 100's ourselves so that we don't have a whining line-up wondering why I'm standing here waiting 5 minutes for you to run up from the back of the store just to put my bill under a little light 10 feet away from me to reveal that it is real?!

Dear Customer who remembered to tell me how his strawberries were:
You make me happy!

Dear little kid who wants to use the occupied mini shopping cart:
I am so sorry, if it were up to me we would have millions of them because they are so cute to watch you use and I know they make you so happy, but we only have 1! I know, 1 is a crazy number to have, but it's true!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A ways away...

Leif, Laura
Moxie, Mom
Wade, Tara

I miss you all and am thinkin' of you!

And I can't wait to see what's in that belly, Tara, hopefully it won't get scared off by the face your husband is making :)

Laura, we never really got a photo together that weekend, but I did have a photo of what I made you to represent for you guys, works I guess!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Happy Valentine's

to fulfill my girly needs

to fulfill my ha-ha needs
so cute...
so random...
so us...

And I got him this Whaley cute card


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Judge me and Fix me

Any volunteers to make this have more contrast?! I need a photoshop buff. Because the spool is yellow, it just doesn't do high contrast black and white it seems. Ultimately I'd like it to have a hard edge around the spool too, and more black lines. I'm not sure if I love it yet but I'm thinking it would work as a logo if it had the contasted lines I'm talkin' about. What do you think?

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Morning Creation

Some cute ol' fabric I've had sitting around forever
It used to be a curtain. And I remember sewing the random pleats into it one day back when we lived in Australia. That's all I did to it. So today I finally made it fit as a skirt, added a zipper and a hem.

Surprisingly enough, it does stay up without the belt, but I like the little touch of 'modern' that it adds. :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dear R...

thanks to black*eiffel :) Exactly how I'm feeling. except that I know he'll come back again so I can miss him again...and again...and again...:)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Before & After

Now I'm goin' around with my bottle of spray paint... hmmm... what else would look good white....?

Updating the Shop

There are a couple new items in the shop and, if all goes well, a couple more will be joining them today! INCLUDING the most amazing vintage red suitcase.
I am really excited about what I'm adding. . .

But, I'm curious, what do you guys think Dust & Dawn needs more of / less of?
What would make it stand out?
What sucks about it?
I know that I need more items to draw more people...

So go ahead and leave anonymous comments if you want, I just want to hear the honest truth!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Look what happened to my sewing machine today! I turned on my lamp (which happened to be sitting right up against my sewing machine, but I couldn't totally tell because the shade was in the way) Then I walked away to cut out some stuff in the kitchen....then I came back to a funny smell!!!
I was able to unscrew the lamp from the bulb, but the bulb was NOT budging!


luckily, it has no impact on the functionality of my machine...


but it does look pretty darn funny!
Anybody got a good caption for this photo?!
PS I'll be back in a bit with a post about the baby blanket I made in under 2 hours this morning...with a light bulb stuck to the corner of my sewing machine!