So, Here is what didn't get done by the time I turned 21. I'm actually Surprised that I did that much! Well, I suppose some got scratched off after I turned 21, but still, this is what's left:
1. Go to a farmer's market on a Saturday morning
4. Make a big batch of home made bread
6. Host a nice dinner party with nice food
8. Make my inspiration board an actual inspiration to me; collect the things that inspire me better
9. Make a mix CD of all the songs that remind the boy and I of each other. In a good way.
10. Get weight down to 130 (this means keeping up the early am workouts)
14. Watch the rest of Audrey Hepburn's films
15. Find or make a rubber stamp that I love - for stationary, 'business card' and anything else I want to brand! Something custom/original would be best so I might have to learn to make one.
18. Tell the boy the story of my life. Start to finish. No details missed. Everything I can remember. And ask the same of him (that will take a while longer though!).
20. Learn to take better photos. Get my hands on my old 35mm maybe? Because my digital is seriously lacking functionality these days.
#20 is actually sort of done because I did get a new camera that is greaaat but I do still need to study up on F-stops and Apertures etc because I haven't yet sat down for more than a half hour to flip through my camera's settings and try stuff and I most definetly didn't memorize what did what so I need to really LEARN it. So I leave it there. Anyways, here we go with the new list of 21 things to do before I turn 22 (?!?!! GASP!!?)
1. Shop at a farmer's market on a Saturday morning2. Make a big batch of bread
3. Host a nice dinner party with nice food
4. Make inspiration board that's an actual inspiration to me; collect the things that inspire me better
5. Make a mix CD of all the songs that remind the boy and I of each other. In a good way.
6. Get weight back to 130
7. Watch the rest of Audrey Hepburn's films
8. Find or make a rubber stamp that I love - for stationary, 'business card' and anything else I want to brand! Something custom/original would be best so I might have to learn to make one.
9. Tell the boy the story of my life. Start to finish. No details missed. Everything I can remember. And ask the same of him (that will take a while longer though!).
10. Learn to take better photos.
11. See my boy at least 4 times a week
12. Take better care of my skin (no sugar!)
13. Perfect a cupcake and icing recipe. Like perfect enough that people would pay money for them. (Crave can't be the best on earth can it?!)
14. Complete my 'Management Certificate' in Interior Design (1st year) - to be accomplished August 2009
15. Develop a greater sense of romanticism
16. Live more in the present & use my time wisely. Be content.
17. sew myself a duvet cover
18. get new glasses that are totally different and unusual for me
19. get photos taken of me and Ron... somehow (must think of bribe for this one)
20. Learn to cook and master 5 new meals - develop a signature meal
21. try a new sport/activity
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