The last 3 days I've done ab-sa-loot-ley nothing! Its wonderful! Well, actually I did read a Shopoholic confessions thingy book. I don't normally like them, I think I tried reading one before, but this time I just soaked it up - hehe but I find myself wanting things now. Its not a real good thing. But, let me tell you, I'm not just wanting measly fancy clothes and shoes, I mean things that are like crazy awesome too . . .
Par example . . . (I think I just threw in a little French there!)
This pantry. Now, don't ya'll be phoning me at once complaining that I brought on the jealousies with you too! Its tough this wantin' businness!
Tomorrow I shall organize my life - school stuff, papers, bills, clothes, printers (there are 2 sitting on my bedroom floor right now not in operable condition!), cupboards, purses .... so there!