Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I am really excited to share my Christmas spoilt-ness with you all

however, I am waiting for my new laptop to arrive so it doesn't take 10 years to load pictures up. :D

It should be here soon, Right mom?

(Thanks again mom!)

I made an "As-If-Christmas-Wish-List" a few weeks before Christmas, listing things that would be amazing but pretty far-fetched to receive... all for my own entertainment of course. It went something like this:

Laptop that works (only requirement)
a bike - beach cruiser
a puppy
"Mastering the art of French Cooking" book
"Pioneer Woman Cooks" book
Value Village gift certificate for millions (or more. Or less)
A house with a big yard
A trip to Toronto to see Britta
A serger (complete with space to put it)
Nice black leather tote
Spa gift certificate
A classy hat

See? Some are sorta reasonable gifts, but mostly not so much.
Really, I don't want a puppy when I think about it now. And my house-mate would kick me out which would be a big downer. So scratch that...
Anyways, the coolest thing happenned! I got the first and second things on the list! As mentioned, mom ordered me a nice new Dell laptop. Yay! I am using one right now and it is from 1998 which tells me that Dells last a long time!
And I have no idea how the boy knew the cruiser it was on my list (he didn't) but he knew what I would like! It is a Dutch Cruiser, I'm not sure how old, but old enough to look old and young enough to still work great. I have to decide on a colour I'd like it painted as that will be my birthday present! Its a toss up between white and kitchenaid mixer teal (you know the colour!) ... he says bronze which also looks good, just a bit more manly...

Other than that... the rest of my spoiltness will be displayed in pictures when I get the laptop on my doorstep.

Hope you all had a lovely holiday too!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I know, I haven't posted in a while... sorry! It's been busy. Well, a combination of busy and not feeling liking blogging.

Getting packed up and ready tonight to head all the way out to Langely/Abbotsford for Christmas eve and Christmas tomorrow; feels kinda like Christmas should be over already. Maybe because of the big wedding a week before, and with the amount of turkey's I've handled in the last couple days (accross the check-out!) I am feelin' pretty darn out of steam.

I do have a little to report with a day of thrifting with mom and a day of antique-ing and fabric-shopping with dad!! Good thing I don't tire of a good thing! But yes. Lots to report in the good stuff department.

But for now, just wanted to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Season's Tidings to YOU!
From us:

Please note:
- This is not a grade-A photo. It is simply the only one I've seen so far of us from the wedding.
- Ron's mouth is usually like that because he is probably in the middle of a sentence which is normal. However, not so normal looking when it's frozen and made into a photo.

Here is a better picture of us, also fairly recent:

And, just for good measure, here is another one of me at the wedding ... because I look better in this one ;) and cause Keina looks so darn cute!

Ok ya'll I'm outta here.

I'll check up on ya in the new year! And while you're reading this blog, might as well pop over and say hi to Britta on her new one!

Monday, December 7, 2009

What I Wore Today

Maybe you've seen the popular blogging art of drawing 'what I wore today' and posting it up. Maybe you haven't. Either way, let me shock you with my drawing skills. Skills is not actually the heading drawing belongs under for me, to be honest... you'll agree I am certain.

This is funny. I better hear some wise cracks at this because I have more ready than you'd care to read!


Have a lovely sunny (in Vancouver, anyways!) day!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I just wanted to post something and my most creative idea was this: share funny moment at work tonight.

Challenge: make it funny to read. Doable? Probably not.

So you know how when the store closes you hear the "good evening shoppers. The time is now ten o clock and we are closed. Please bring your final purchases to the front and we can help you on your way out..."
Well, I was supposed to do that tonight. Which is fine, I can handle it, I've totally done it before, no terrible situations arose and I actually sounded quite a bit like a nice recorded message if I may say so myself.
Tonight, however, I picked up the phone and started the page with "Hello!..." (sort of how you would greet your grandmother on the phone) "....the time is now ten o clock..."
then I thought of how funny it sounded when I said "Hello!" and cracked up...


I was crying I was laughing so hard. I dunno why! It was funny! So everyone had a good laugh and then the other cashier did it. Properly.

Tomorrow is my day off and boy do I need it after that stressful situation! (its a joke. I have a zero stress job.)

goodnight. (actually not. Good time-to-watch-brothers-and-sisters-and-a-little-sex-and-the-city)


Embarrassed ayla

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Delectable Diggings from da Web

I am so in love with this image. It reminds me of my Dad . . . dunno why!
The above list I found on Kelly McCaleb's Tumblr. Which is essentially what my tumblr would look like if I had one, so I haven't bothered, I just look at her's. And you should too.
Not sure where I found this but I love the old can as a vase idea.

This, too, has been in "My Pictures" for a long time and I can't remember where it's from. Sorry. But I want her dress. And I could use a rusty tub like that too.
I try not to want things but when they're so beautifully styled... my eyes just get away from my brain mmkay?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Next Wedding

Thought I'd share a little post about my brother and his almost-Anderson girlfriend. I don't wanna use the F word. Nope. Don't like it.
I liked their engagement pics, done by Bliss Photography & Design
But don't they kinda remind you of this cute and adorable couple? Don't tell. Either couple. :P

So I am looking forward to the weddding, three more weeks, and I will be there in Wintery Wonock (pronounced Wonnick, I was promptly scolded) Lake, wearing my long deep purple Grecian-style bridesmaid dress. I need to work on a speach which will be a challenge, because it is my brother's wedding, but I am HER bridesmaid, and sorta her friend, more like a sister but y'know sorta...that comes later. Anyways, I am sure you can imagine the confusion with it all. Hopefully I will be able to manage.

Gotta go out and face the dreary grey and drizzling day. I will be sad to leave you, soft blanket...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

On my resemblance to a gorgeous actress

I have now had 4 people at work tell me that I look like Dana Delaney, an actor on Desperate Housewives. The first customer to tell me that, I thought she was just tryin' to be nice, and I didn't know who she was or what she looked like so I left it at that. Then the other day, THREE people told me I looked like her. And not just vaguely look like her, these people were saying things like "I couldn't figure out where I knew you from, you looked so familiar, and then I realised that it's just that you're a twin to Katherine from Desperate Housewives!"

So, still not knowing who she was so finally I had to look it up. . . and the results are in:

Really?! I wish!

I honestly can't even see a resemblance. Can you?

I do like those glasses. I'd like a set of 'em for myself...

Hmph. I don't get it. But thank you IGA shoppers! Or IGA... the lighting must be miraculous.

Do you ever get told you look like someone? Do you agree with them or do we never think we look the way others think we look?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Taking Advice...

Yay for playing with words! I liked everyone's ideas. Everyone's!
I tried a different way of puting two together by writing all the words on peices of paper and puting them in a jar, pulling them out . . . Then I'm not restricted to my brain's ideas.

See Home - uh...
Bon Fine - does Bon mean good? Good Fine? haha!
Cushy Sing - that sounds like a voice lesson tip... tool... thing I know nothing about. A la "have a cushy voice, now.."
Habits Love - habits love... what
Kind Purely - ESL?
Sentimental Secret - barf
Porcelain Heart - porcelain is consistent throughout; pure. But too delicate sounding. And nice.
Little Polka Dot - good name for a kid's store
Soul Jam
Once One Hundred - has a ring to it?
Ruby Street
Blue Olive
Smile Simply
Button What
Ocean Ruby
Red Heap
Tea Light
Puzzle Fine
Porcelain Simply
Habits Kind - Kind Habits
Polka Dot Oh - Oh Polka Dot
Polka Dot Ocean

Simply What . . . okay this game is getting old.

Then I developed an obsession with the word/name Simon. As in simple simon... was a pie man. I'm not really a boo-yah-crazy-lovin pie person but Simon is still a good name.

Simon Soul
All Simon
Simon Island

Yellow Dawn (favourite colour, middle name)

My boy hates when I ask for help and then don't take the advice given, too. So you're not alone if you're thinkin 'uh why did you even ask for help, Ayla?!', but I am sorry! I was just trying to get some creative sparks flying, so thank you!

ONE of these days I will get on this and I will actually have something to show for my 'thoughts' on openning an Etsy shop. I am still struggling with the idea of putting myself out there when I feel like my ideas have all been done; I have nothing new to offer, and that feeling always bothers me. A lot.

And also wondering if selling vintage finds and treasures is stupid or smart. I just can't decide. But I do have some treasures...
I just don't like those shops where they sell a set of bowls for $35 when you can get them at the Salvos for $2. But at the same time, maybe my ability to pick out the great stuff, IS worth money. Is it? Please, I need some opinions.

Alrighty, Good Nighty!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Inspire Me


Put 2 of those words together in a way that sounds like a cute little vintagey shop name. And let's see what this inspires...
Oh, and you can add an & if you must.

Yeah you. Thank you.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ayla at 80

It feels like I am an 80 year old woman who's been missing out on life the last month or so.

Let me explain that a little better...

Well, I had a cold then it went away then It kinda came back but it was different and 'new' again and really badly affected my throat to the point that I couldn't bare to swallow so went to the doc and said please make this go away as soon as possible. Then she (Dr. Payne - love the name) gave me antibiotics because she said it was too red to just leave it.
3 days later- feeling waaaay better
7 days later - itchy feet
7.5 days later - red splotchy and itchy feet
8 days later - red splotchy and itchy legs and feet and backs of arms
9 days later - red splotchy and itchy legs, feet, thighs, back, arms etc...
and now I'm back to the doctor again. I'm allergic to that dang antibiotic I was prescribed.

Benadryl, hello, I love you, can we be best friends?!

Ya so now I'm on that but after work I come home with feet the size of an elephant's that look worse that an elephant's. Red, swollen, bruised and blistered looking. Not pretty. I'd show a picture but you'd all stop reading my blog.

FINALLY starting to subside. I can sleep at night. But ... ya...
what am I doing wrong in life to be feeling so broken for so long?!
I think the last time I felt totally perfectly healthy was the middle of September.

Anyways just needed to give a little update. I can't wait to be healthy again, I am sooo sick of this!

love you all,

Ayla the reddest of them all

Saturday, November 7, 2009

No Pictures. No Fun.

I was thinking that maybe, without making any huge judgement calls or transforming my sense of being completely, that maybe, I just get bored easily.

Firstly, I am SO veerry bored of being tired. And bored. And sick. (good news - tonight, I swallowed... swallowed again.. and confirmed: no feeling like needles and cotton balls being shoved down my throat!)

Secondly, I am working on cleaning out my closet and the highly discustingly huge grotesque (okay, well, at least I'm not under-stating it) amount of clothes I seem to have. I don't know where they come from. I don't have money to buy clothes. And yet - I can't weed through them often enough! I must just bore of them easily, and somehow new ones creep their way in. We'll never, ever know. . .

Thirdly, I am bored of yellow and grey as a colour scheme. For anything. Who knew? I love grey. And I love yellow. Meh, whatever, I can't deny that I'm bored of it.

Also, I'm getting a tad bored of photoshopped-to-death photos.

oh and Facebook, don't forget.

But then... there are the things I don't seem to get bored of. And let me think of a few...

Starbucks... around this time of the year when the cups turn red and their drink features turn fierce...

Chapters... while sipping at that Starbucks and wandering for hours from book to book...

IKEA... a place to go to unwind and walk, and walk, and people watch ... free childcare if that is applicable to you as well...

Now there are three things right there, three things, places, of which I have not thus far gotten bored of and can ALSO fall under the title "Marketing Traps". They are successful multi-squillion dollar businesses. How could I not be bored of them.

Well, let me tell you. Nobody goes to Starbucks with quite the same 'Its a special ocassion, I'm splurging on a Starbucks beverage' feeling anymore. No. Faaaar too mainstream and . . . uh . . . boring. Can I say that again? Jeepers I'm predictable.

But honestly, when Starbucks get that Christmas spirit pumping, they got the decorations on the windows, they got Christmas music playing even, but not the intolerable kind, just the kind that you have to listen for a minute to decide whether or not it actually is Christmas music, and then there's the smell of the gingerbread latte, a little eggnog one in there, some caramel spice and a little peppermint to boot. You can't trot in there in an average mood and leave with a bad one, that's all I'm sayin'.

And maybe I'm just a cheery person, so correct me if I'm wrong.
So will ya'll agree that the marketing is what gets them two thumbs up?! (and look at me, I'm not even touching on the area of the decor they install!)

And I don't even need to exemplify on my other two examples of marketing traps. We all know.

But its interesting to me, to think of how one thing can be the most amazing creation of a thing for a person to experience, something that they could never (or not for a long time at least) get bored of, and the next idea, just really doesn't catch on.

And I think that brings me to my point. I find it very interesting how that the things that surround us; the air, the sounds, the light, the scents, the objects, the energy, actually make us FEEL. Those things actual dictate our brain's response and make us feel something. Either cozy or cold. Hopeful or discouraged. Bouncy or tired. Chipper or bleak. Like splurging or like saving. Like you're at home or like you're at a fast food joint.

And... isn't that amazing?

I think that, for me, Interior Design has become more interesting the more I study the psychology of it. I know that there are Merchandising Designers who are hired to design according to the psychological response of shoppers, but I'm not so interested in that. Just... what makes us like what we like and not what we don't. And how do we even know the difference. And what are my surroundings telling my brain to feel. And why?

You ever think of that?

ps. my real opinion on Starbucks, Chapters and IKEA, in case you didn't get your fill of reading in already:
- Starbucks is good in my books because I order the Grande Americano and I know exactly how much milk and sugar I need to add to make that size/ratio/drink taste good to me. And it doesn't matter what country I'm in when I do it.
- Chapters is a place to wander around in, to open huge books in without somehow spilling your coffee, and dream of having this many books. Buying? Not so much for me.
- IKEA is a place to wander through, enjoy the designs, and sometimes ridicule if I'm in that kind of mood. It almost fits the bill for any of my moods, but usually makes me want a house all to myself to decorate which puts me in a bit of a covetous mood. But still. Good place to kill time.

Unfortunetly none of these places make their mega bucks from me. I order pretty much the cheapest (but the best) type of coffee every time, I only read the books while in store, and I only use the design as entertainment.

Oh, and really, I also wanted to touch on how it's the natural, God-designed (if you will) things that give you the best, most exhilerating feelings. An Amazing view. The smell of rain. The sound of surf crashing. Y'know all that good stuff. We humans will never compare in our design skills. I love it, the fact that THOSE things I will well and truly never ever ever get bored of. Impossible. Amazing.

*And next week, on Channel Ayla, we'll be discussing canibalism of the greatest infants of Madagascar!

**I'm joking, I just can't belive how much I wrote about getting bored easily. Sorry for the drama. Call yo mama.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A walk around the neighbourhood...

Some pictures from around the neighbourhood last week - see, I wasn't kidding about the fall colours this year. The next day a lot of this blew away so I was really glad I went out to photograph it when I did! I also found a persimmon tree, loaded with fruit! Who knew?!
Anyways I am sick, can barely swallow and am just trying to get rid of it... have no energy at all. But I've missed my blog so I need to get it rolling again, it's been way too long since a decent post!
Soon I'll be feeling energized and doing a million things again I hope!



Saturday, October 17, 2009


Autumn is just so pretty this year. Its kind of taken me by surprise. I took this photo a couple years ago near my house, I really like it in this polaroid-ed version.

I got a job as a check-out-chick and am really really excited to start it on Monday. It has been a long time since I've had a job where I can go, do my job, and then go home. Y'know? Like with no big responsibilities or worries. I like that.

So, welcome autumn, and welcome new job!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Don't let your dreams be dreams

I have a CD player in my car.
It is old but it works pretty well other than when you play a burnt CD. Then it has trouble.

If you want to navigate to the next song you gotta be willing to wait a couple of minutes for it to get there. And if you go over a bump the same thing happens'; you have to wait a few minutes for it to find its place again.

I am talking sometimes five, ten minutes.

So yesterday I was listening to a Jack Johnson CD I burnt way back when I first starting listening to him. And I was driving on the highway and I hit a bump that made it stop for a good five minutes or so. I don't know how long it was but it was a long time because I couldn't remember what song was playing when it stopped.

So I did a thing I often do when I get impatient. I said to myself, "self, I want to shut it off and listen tot he radio now, but I will wait a generous ten seconds and if it doesn't start within ten seconds I am shutting it off..."











"so girl don't let your dreams be know this livin's not so hard as it seems...don't let your dreams be dreams..."

That is the end of my story.

PS: Please ignore the first half of the song if you're listening to it; that is not the point of my story!

Friday, September 25, 2009

"One can never have too many lips"

This blog has singlehandedly made my day.
Actually, its the blogger. Hilarious, sarcastic, spot-on humour.
Warning: Do not click if you need to do something. Like other than flipping through page after page after page. Its funny. I'm warning you!
PS: I linked to the wreck I got my title from because it made me have a really really hard time not laughing loud (sleeping roommies) but really, they are all funny!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Aaah . . . Autumn

(page 74, the best in the catalogue)

I was flipping through Eddie Bauer's fall catalogue, not expecting to see anything I liked. When suddenly I was overcome with an urge to move to the country and wear rugged, cozy, cute outfits.

Yes, it is Fall. And I think I love the idea of it more this year than I have in a long time. I am ready to get cozy!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Change is good

Today being the first day that I've clutched my steering wheel with the cuffs of my sweatshirt, I couldn't be more ready for change. Yesterday was a good day. A good Sunday.

Fear can stop you lovin'
Love can stop your fear

An extension on the study of David and Goliath

Now that more than 1 person reads my blog it is a lot harder to be frank. To be honest with myself. Mainly because if I was someone reading this I wouldn't give two toots about that kind of stuff.
Stuff like I've been too selfish lately.
I've not been willing to suffer a tad to reap a bunch.
And I think, partly, my reasoning for thinking on this so much lately is school.

I think Iwill finish it (if this is not news to you, you havn't been around me the last few weeks while I've changed my mind 10,000,000 times)
I think it might be one of those things that I should do, not because I want to, but because I don't want to. Because I am not looking forward to it and it doesn't need to be done but I think it is healthy to do things you don't really want to do once in a while. I think it makes it more valuable.

So there is my psycho babble for the day.

I am taking care of Massey today. He's about 2' tall. Blonde, 0bb0 41nn40n4n0 104LIK#Z$#$4

and likes tapping keys.

And SO easy to take care of. He eats what you put in front of him. He plays when you sit him in front of toys. He sleeps when you put him in his bed. (and plays with the garbage can when Auntie Ayla is on the computer). Oh and apparently he likes playing with fax machines. Oh, and Tika's dog openner. She has a button like a handicap door to get out. Which is expected for a household with an automatic door business. . .

So I think today we may go to the mall and walk around for a bit. He's not quite as lazily content today as he was on Friday.

And now that I have blogged about nothing I intended to blog about.

Yes, change is good.

He's hanging off the rod that turns the blinds now...

Monday, September 14, 2009

My New Dayjob

You would not believe how much fun I'm having describing cushion covers.

They've got personalities.

Info soon to be revealed!

But for now, meet Betsy:

Betsy is a vintage rose fabric, completely upfront in her 100% cotton down-to-earth-ness.
She loves to rest in lazy, comfy, cozy rooms. . .
She loves to be a headrest while you read a good book. . .
She's a pretty denim blue colour. . .
She has a blue/white striped back side with overlapping fabric closure for access to cushion. . .

P.S. Mom, is this fabric vintage? Where did it come from? Grandma? I'm calling it vintage. It feels old.

Friday, September 4, 2009

job hunting

i applied here

what if I got it?

scary to think about if you ask me . . .

besides having her own design firm, she is the host for HGTV's "Take it Outside"

I've also applied at every decorating company that worked on the PNE's prize home. Yes, it's not Design, but it might be fun to be a "Decorator" (oh, how I hate that word) for a year or so, and who knows, I might like it. I'd just have to come up with another word for Decorating.

SO the next step is to apply at places like coffee shops and fabric stores and grocery stores . . .
Then I will try to get my name out there "Ayla Anderson Interior Designs" or "Interior Designs by Ayla Anderson" or "______________ " (you fill in the blank) and see, if I get any bites, if I can do some jobs on the side to expand the portfolio a bit while I get all this school stuff over with.

If I just went with the "Interior Designs by Ayla Anderson" one, I already have a logo I kinda like that I made in school.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

0 commentary




Okay, so I wasn't going to explain, talk, winge and point out all my mistakes. But really. Look at the wrinkles in the paper. Look at the samples (the one fell off right before my presentation). Look at my lack of a furniture board. Look at the rush job of rendering. Look at the crooked mounted titles. I would have loved to have had time to make this all presentable. Instead I ran out of time, slapped it on boards the night before, practiced lots at presenting my concept with confidence and explaining things to the utmost in my alotted 10 minutes (short!). And was told at the end of my presentation that I presented it really well. I could've done a lot worse based on my work, and I totally think they gave me the mark I deserve. Unfortunetly it means I have to do it again if I want to get into 2nd year. We'll see...
post edit: sorry all the images are too big. I'd fix it but you're not missing much. the other maker gave me a 58/100.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

We've been so busy...

1st finishing up my project...


...yes, we all got to stress out together!


eating hot dogs...


then ZipTrekking through the trees...

Emerly was less than impressed about the whole experience; her fear of heights wasn't cured, even after 5 zips!


...the rest of us had a good time though!



Then Eating Pie...


And eating fair food... mini donuts, pulled pork sandwhiches and fresh lemonaids not shown...


They leave tomorrow morning and it's going to be sad...

Then I'm leaving for Calgary to help with some invitation making! And seeing people and having fun and not working or doing homework!

Still haven't had time to clean the horiffic amount of stuff off my bedroom floor! I'd take a picture of that too but it is just one step too far on the messy bedroom-showing scale!

I forgot to take photos of the finished product before handing it in but I get it back Aug 31st in the morning, so I will show you if I passed!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Product of a weekend

So I didn't make my goal on Friday :(
. . . but help has arrived in the form of my good friend Emerly from Australia and her boyfriend Reece! They're prepared to help me all day tomorrow, so halleluja!!
ps, did I tell you the wallpapers aren't going to work out? Yeah, the wallpaper is not here. And it is not 'commercial grade' I find out later anyways. So unless I get it in the mail tomorrow... and I put it in the residence...

So the weekend produced:



ps. I just took ages to upload that video. Watched it and realised... not that great...pretty short. But sweet. And it shows the Bride. And the back of the groom. And the back of my boy. But sorry about the crappiness if you had high expectations.
pps. ot was a great, great wedding